Bad Girls Club - Season 5 : Episode 8


  • Reality

Bad Girls Club: Miami is the fifth season of the Oxygen reality television series, Bad Girls Club. The fifth season moved filming from the previous location in Los Angeles, California to Miami, Florida in an area on North Bay Road, between 41st and 64th streets. The new season began filming in April 2010, and beginning in 2010, the show was moved forward from its original time slot and now starts at 9 PM Eastern / 8 PM Central time on Tuesday nights. The season premiere aired on August 3, 2010 and attracted 1.34 million viewers, becoming the No. 1 program on cable with women in the 18-34 age group. The debut also outperformed any other show for that demographic on CBS and ABC. The premiere, in fact, became the "most watched premiere in Oxygen history".

Season 5 Episodes


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